Scandalous Greed: Tom Girardi's American Greed


"American Greed: Tom Girardi" is a documentary series that chronicles the rise and fall of Tom Girardi, a once-prominent Los Angeles attorney who was convicted of embezzling millions of dollars from his clients.

Girardi was a larger-than-life figure in the legal world, known for his flamboyant lifestyle and his aggressive courtroom tactics. He represented some of the biggest names in Hollywood and won multi-million dollar settlements for his clients. However, Girardi's success was built on a foundation of lies and deceit.

The documentary series exposes Girardi's Ponzi scheme, which he used to fund his lavish lifestyle. Girardi stole money from his clients, many of whom were widows and orphans, to pay for his own personal expenses. He also used his political connections to avoid prosecution for his crimes.

Girardi's story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and corruption. It is a reminder that even the most successful people can be brought down by their own hubris.

American Greed

Tom Girardi was a prominent Los Angeles attorney who was convicted of embezzling millions of dollars from his clients. His story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and corruption.

  • Fraud: Girardi stole money from his clients, many of whom were widows and orphans, to pay for his own personal expenses.
  • Ponzi scheme: Girardi used a Ponzi scheme to fund his lavish lifestyle. He stole money from new clients to pay off old clients.
  • Corruption: Girardi used his political connections to avoid prosecution for his crimes.
  • Greed: Girardi's greed led him to steal millions of dollars from his clients.
  • Hubris: Girardi's hubris led him to believe that he was above the law.
  • Consequences: Girardi was convicted of embezzlement and disbarred from practicing law. He was also ordered to pay millions of dollars in restitution to his victims.

Girardi's story is a reminder that even the most successful people can be brought down by their own greed and corruption. It is also a reminder that the justice system can and will hold people accountable for their crimes.

Name: Tom Girardi
Born: June 7, 1939
Died: N/A
Occupation: Attorney
Known for: Embezzling millions of dollars from his clients


Tom Girardi's fraud was a key component of his "American Greed." He stole millions of dollars from his clients, many of whom were widows and orphans, to fund his lavish lifestyle. This fraud was a betrayal of trust and a violation of his ethical and legal obligations as an attorney.

Girardi's fraud had a devastating impact on his victims. Many of them lost their life savings and were forced to rely on government assistance. Some of his victims were elderly and vulnerable, and they were particularly hard hit by Girardi's theft.

Girardi's fraud is a reminder that even the most trusted professionals can be tempted by greed. It is important to be vigilant and to hold those who betray our trust accountable for their actions.

Ponzi scheme

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment scheme that pays returns to existing investors from funds contributed by new investors. Ponzi schemes are inherently unsustainable, as they rely on a constant influx of new investors to keep the scheme going. Eventually, the scheme collapses when there are not enough new investors to pay off the existing investors.

Tom Girardi used a Ponzi scheme to fund his lavish lifestyle. He stole money from new clients to pay off old clients. This scheme allowed Girardi to maintain the illusion of success, even though he was actually insolvent.

Girardi's Ponzi scheme is a classic example of "American Greed." It is a story of greed, deception, and betrayal. Girardi's greed led him to steal millions of dollars from his clients. His deception allowed him to maintain the illusion of success for many years. And his betrayal of trust destroyed the lives of many innocent people.

The case of Tom Girardi is a reminder that Ponzi schemes are a serious threat to investors. These schemes are often very difficult to detect, and they can cause devastating losses. If you are considering investing in any scheme, it is important to do your research and to be aware of the risks involved.


Tom Girardi's corruption was a key component of his "American Greed." He used his political connections to avoid prosecution for his crimes, which allowed him to continue stealing from his clients for many years.

Girardi's corruption is a reminder that the justice system is not always fair. Those with power and influence can often escape justice, while the poor and powerless are often punished more severely for the same crimes.

The case of Tom Girardi is a cautionary tale about the dangers of corruption. It is important to hold our elected officials accountable for their actions and to ensure that the justice system is fair and impartial.


Tom Girardi's greed was a driving force behind his crimes. He was motivated by a desire for wealth and luxury, and he was willing to do whatever it took to achieve his goals, even if it meant stealing from his clients.

  • Personal Enrichment: Girardi used the money he stole from his clients to fund his lavish lifestyle. He spent millions of dollars on, cars, and other.
  • Political Influence: Girardi also used his wealth to buy political influence. He donated large sums of money to political campaigns, and he used his connections to avoid prosecution for his crimes.
  • Ponzi Scheme: Girardi's greed led him to create a Ponzi scheme. He stole money from new clients to pay off old clients, and he used the money to fund his own personal expenses.
  • Betrayal of Trust: Girardi's greed led him to betray the trust of his clients. He stole from widows, orphans, and other vulnerable people who had entrusted him with their money.

Girardi's greed is a classic example of "American Greed." It is a story of how greed can lead to corruption, betrayal, and financial ruin. Girardi's case is a reminder that greed is a dangerous emotion that can have devastating consequences.


Tom Girardi's hubris was a key component of his "American Greed." He believed that he was above the law and that he could get away with anything, no matter how illegal or unethical.

  • Unrealistic Sense of Self-Importance: Girardi had an inflated sense of his own importance and believed that he was smarter and more powerful than everyone else. This led him to believe that he could do whatever he wanted without consequences.
  • Disregard for the Law: Girardi had a complete disregard for the law and believed that he was above it. He often bragged about how he could get away with anything and that he was untouchable.
  • Arrogance: Girardi was arrogant and believed that he was better than everyone else. He looked down on others and believed that he was entitled to special treatment.
  • Consequences: Girardi's hubris eventually led to his downfall. He was convicted of embezzlement and disbarred from practicing law. He also faces multiple lawsuits from his former clients.

Girardi's hubris is a classic example of "American Greed." It is a story of how unchecked ambition and a belief in one's own superiority can lead to disaster.


The consequences of Girardi's crimes are a stark reminder of the dangers of "American Greed." Girardi's greed led him to steal millions of dollars from his clients, and he ultimately paid a heavy price for his crimes.

  • Criminal Conviction: Girardi was convicted of embezzlement, which is a serious crime. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison.
  • Disbarment: Girardi was also disbarred from practicing law. This means that he can no longer represent clients in court.
  • Restitution: Girardi was ordered to pay millions of dollars in restitution to his victims. This money will help to compensate his victims for the losses they suffered.

Girardi's case is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed. It is important to remember that greed can lead to serious consequences, both for the individual and for society as a whole.

FAQs on "American Greed

This section provides answers to frequently asked questions about the case of Tom Girardi, a disbarred attorney convicted of embezzlement.

Question 1: Who is Tom Girardi?

Tom Girardi was a prominent Los Angeles attorney who was convicted of embezzling millions of dollars from his clients. He was known for his lavish lifestyle and aggressive courtroom tactics.

Question 2: What crimes did Girardi commit?

Girardi was convicted of embezzlement, which is the theft or misappropriation of money or property entrusted to one's care. He stole millions of dollars from his clients, many of whom were widows and orphans.

Question 3: How did Girardi get away with his crimes for so long?

Girardi used a Ponzi scheme to fund his lavish lifestyle. He stole money from new clients to pay off old clients. He also used his political connections to avoid prosecution for his crimes.

Question 4: What was Girardi's sentence?

Girardi was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was also ordered to pay millions of dollars in restitution to his victims.

Question 5: What are the key takeaways from the Girardi case?

The Girardi case is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and corruption. It is important to be vigilant and to hold those who betray our trust accountable for their actions.

Question 6: What is the current status of the Girardi case?

Girardi is currently serving his 20-year prison sentence. He is also facing multiple lawsuits from his former clients.

The Girardi case is a complex and tragic story. It is a reminder that even the most successful people can be tempted by greed. It is also a reminder that the justice system can and will hold people accountable for their crimes.

For more information on the Girardi case, please visit the following resources:

  • U.S. Attorney's Office Central District of California
  • Los Angeles Times
  • ABC News

Tips to Avoid "American Greed"

The case of Tom Girardi is a cautionary tale about the dangers of greed and corruption. Girardi, a once-prominent attorney, stole millions of dollars from his clients to fund his lavish lifestyle. He was convicted of embezzlement and disbarred from practicing law.

Here are some tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of "American Greed":

Tip 1: Be wary of investment opportunities that promise high returns with little risk. Tip 2: Do your research before investing in any scheme. Tip 3: Be skeptical of anyone who pressures you to invest quickly. Tip 4: Get everything in writing before you invest. Tip 5: Be aware of the signs of a Ponzi scheme. Tip 6: Report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself from becoming a victim of financial fraud.

The case of Tom Girardi is a reminder that greed can have devastating consequences. It is important to be vigilant and to hold those who betray our trust accountable for their actions.


The case of Tom Girardi is a stark reminder of the dangers of greed and corruption. Girardi's greed led him to steal millions of dollars from his clients, and he ultimately paid a heavy price for his crimes.

Girardi's case is a cautionary tale for us all. It is important to remember that greed can lead to serious consequences, both for the individual and for society as a whole. We must all be vigilant and hold those who betray our trust accountable for their actions.

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