Did O.J.'s Pal Robert Kardashian Sever Ties After The Trial?


Did Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson Remain Friends?

Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson were close friends for many years. Kardashian was one of Simpson's defense attorneys during his 1995 murder trial, and he remained a close confidant even after Simpson was convicted. However, their friendship was strained in the years leading up to Kardashian's death in 2003. In his final days, Kardashian reportedly told friends that he no longer believed Simpson was innocent of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

There are many possible reasons why Kardashian may have changed his mind about Simpson's guilt. One possibility is that he was influenced by the against Simpson, which included DNA evidence and eyewitness testimony. Another possibility is that Kardashian became disillusioned with Simpson's behavior after the trial. Simpson was often seen partying and spending money lavishly, and he was involved in a number of legal disputes.

Whatever the reason, it is clear that Kardashian's friendship with Simpson was not as strong in the years leading up to his death as it had been in the past. The two men had a falling out in 1996, and they did not speak to each other for several years. They eventually reconciled, but their friendship was never the same.

The question of whether or not Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson remained friends is a complex one. There is no easy answer, and it is likely that the truth lies somewhere in between the two extremes. It is clear that their friendship was strained in the years leading up to Kardashian's death, but it is also clear that they cared for each other deeply. Only the two men themselves knew the true nature of their relationship.

Did Robert Kardashian and O.J. Remain Friends?

Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson were close friends for many years, but their relationship was strained in the years leading up to Kardashian's death in 2003. Here are seven key aspects of their friendship:

  • Close confidants: Kardashian was one of Simpson's defense attorneys during his 1995 murder trial, and he remained a close confidant even after Simpson was convicted.
  • Strained relationship: Their friendship was strained in the years leading up to Kardashian's death, and they had a falling out in 1996.
  • Changed opinion: Kardashian reportedly told friends that he no longer believed Simpson was innocent of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.
  • Influenced by evidence: One possible reason for Kardashian's changed opinion is that he was influenced by the evidence against Simpson, which included DNA evidence and eyewitness testimony.
  • Disillusioned by behavior: Another possibility is that Kardashian became disillusioned with Simpson's behavior after the trial, which included partying and spending money lavishly.
  • Eventual reconciliation: Despite their falling out, the two men eventually reconciled, but their friendship was never the same.
  • Complex relationship: The question of whether or not they remained friends is a complex one, and it is likely that the truth lies somewhere in between the two extremes.

These seven key aspects provide a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson. Their friendship was close, but it was also strained by the events of the murder trial and Simpson's subsequent behavior. Ultimately, the question of whether or not they remained friends is a matter of opinion.

Name Born Died Occupation
Robert Kardashian February 22, 1944 September 30, 2003 Attorney, businessman
O.J. Simpson July 9, 1947 N/A Football player, actor

Close confidants

The close relationship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson played a significant role in their continued friendship after Simpson's murder trial. Kardashian's unwavering support and loyalty, despite the public backlash and personal risks involved, demonstrated the depth of their bond.

  • Loyalty and Trust: Kardashian's willingness to defend Simpson during the trial, despite the overwhelming evidence against him, showcased his unwavering loyalty as a friend. This level of trust and commitment is a cornerstone of close friendships.
  • Shared Experience: The intense and emotionally charged experience of the murder trial created an unbreakable bond between Kardashian and Simpson. They shared the weight of the public scrutiny, legal battles, and personal turmoil, which solidified their connection.
  • Confidentiality: As Simpson's close confidant, Kardashian was privy to sensitive information and private conversations. His ability to maintain confidentiality, even under intense pressure and media scrutiny, further strengthened their friendship.
  • Personal Connection: Beyond their professional relationship, Kardashian and Simpson genuinely cared for each other on a personal level. They shared common interests, enjoyed each other's company, and had a mutual respect for one another.

The combination of these facets highlights the unique and enduring nature of the friendship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson. Their close connection as confidants, forged during the tumultuous events of the murder trial, transcended the boundaries of the courtroom and remained a defining aspect of their relationship for many years to come.

Strained relationship

The strained relationship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson during the years leading up to Kardashian's death and their falling out in 1996 shed light on the complex and evolving nature of their friendship. Several key factors contributed to this strain:

  • Legal and Public Scrutiny: The aftermath of the murder trial placed immense pressure on Kardashian, both professionally and personally. As Simpson's defense attorney, he faced intense public scrutiny and criticism, which may have strained his relationship with Simpson.
  • Differing Opinions: Kardashian reportedly began to doubt Simpson's innocence in the years following the trial. This shift in opinion could have created tension and distance between them, as their once-shared belief in Simpson's innocence was no longer aligned.
  • Personal Issues: Kardashian faced his own personal struggles during this time, including health issues and financial difficulties. These challenges may have taken a toll on his relationship with Simpson, as he prioritized his own well-being and family.
  • Media Speculation: The constant media attention and speculation surrounding Simpson's case and Kardashian's involvement may have also contributed to the strain in their friendship. The relentless scrutiny and public commentary could have made it difficult for them to maintain a close connection.

These factors, combined with the passage of time and the emotional toll of the murder trial, ultimately led to a strained relationship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson. The falling out in 1996 marked a significant turning point in their friendship, indicating a deep rift that could not be easily repaired.

Changed opinion

Kardashian's reported change of opinion regarding Simpson's innocence is a significant factor in assessing the state of their friendship in the years following the murder trial. This shift in belief potentially indicates a fundamental disagreement and a breakdown in trust between the two men.

  • Erosion of Trust: Kardashian's initial defense of Simpson was based on the assumption of his innocence. Once he began to doubt Simpson's account, it would have been difficult for him to maintain the same level of trust and confidence in their friendship.
  • Moral Conflict: As a defense attorney, Kardashian had a duty to represent his client zealously, regardless of his personal beliefs. However, if he truly believed Simpson was guilty, it would have created a moral conflict, making it challenging for him to continue defending him.
  • Public Scrutiny: Kardashian's change of opinion would have undoubtedly drawn intense public scrutiny and media attention. This pressure could have further strained his relationship with Simpson, as they would have been subjected to constant speculation and criticism.
  • Personal Disillusionment: Kardashian's reported change of opinion may have also stemmed from personal disillusionment with Simpson's behavior after the trial. If he witnessed or learned of actions that contradicted Simpson's claims of innocence, it could have led to a loss of faith in his friend.

Overall, Kardashian's reported change of opinion regarding Simpson's innocence played a significant role in the deterioration of their friendship. It created a fundamental divide, eroded trust, and subjected them to intense public scrutiny, ultimately contributing to the strained relationship and eventual falling out between the two men.

Influenced by evidence

The influence of evidence in shaping Robert Kardashian's opinion regarding O.J. Simpson's innocence is a crucial aspect in understanding the dynamics of their friendship. The overwhelming evidence against Simpson, including irrefutable DNA evidence and eyewitness testimony, played a significant role in Kardashian's reported change of heart.

  • Objectivity and Professionalism: As a defense attorney, Kardashian had a professional obligation to zealously defend his client, regardless of his personal beliefs. However, the compelling evidence presented against Simpson may have made it difficult for Kardashian to maintain his initial stance of innocence.
  • Ethical Considerations: Kardashian's ethical compass likely influenced his evolving opinion. As new evidence emerged, he may have felt a moral duty to reassess Simpson's guilt or innocence, even if it meant distancing himself from his former client.
  • Erosion of Trust: If Kardashian genuinely believed that Simpson was guilty based on the evidence, it would have severely eroded his trust in his friend. This loss of trust would have had a detrimental impact on their friendship.
  • Public Opinion: Kardashian was acutely aware of the intense public scrutiny surrounding the case. The overwhelming public sentiment against Simpson, fueled by the damning evidence, may have influenced Kardashian's decision to re-evaluate his own stance.

In conclusion, the evidence presented against O.J. Simpson played a pivotal role in Robert Kardashian's change of opinion and ultimately contributed to the deterioration of their friendship. The weight of evidence forced Kardashian to confront the possibility of Simpson's guilt, leading to a loss of trust and a reevaluation of their relationship.

Disillusioned by behavior

Robert Kardashian's disillusionment with O.J. Simpson's behavior following the murder trial played a significant role in the deterioration of their friendship. Several factors contributed to Kardashian's growing disenchantment:

  • Contrasting lifestyles: After the trial, Simpson's lifestyle became increasingly lavish and hedonistic. He spent money extravagantly, partied excessively, and surrounded himself with a circle of hangers-on. This behavior was a stark contrast to Kardashian's more reserved and family-oriented lifestyle.
  • Moral disapproval: Kardashian may have disapproved of Simpson's behavior on moral grounds. As a devout Christian, Kardashian may have found Simpson's excessive partying and spending to be incompatible with his own values.
  • Damaged reputation: Simpson's behavior also damaged his public reputation. Kardashian, as a close friend and former defense attorney, was inevitably associated with Simpson's actions. This association may have been damaging to Kardashian's own reputation and may have led him to distance himself from Simpson.

In conclusion, Kardashian's disillusionment with Simpson's behavior following the trial contributed to the strain in their friendship. The contrast in their lifestyles, Kardashian's moral disapproval, and the damage to Simpson's reputation all played a role in Kardashian's decision to re-evaluate his relationship with his former friend.

Eventual reconciliation

The eventual reconciliation between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson after their falling out is a complex and nuanced aspect of their relationship. Understanding the significance of this reconciliation is crucial in assessing the overall nature of their friendship and its evolution over time.

The reconciliation suggests that despite the strain and challenges that had driven them apart, there was still a deep-rooted bond between the two men. This bond may have stemmed from their shared history, their mutual experiences during the murder trial, or simply the passage of time and a desire to move beyond the past. Whatever the reasons, the reconciliation indicates that their friendship had not completely dissolved, even if it had undergone a significant transformation.

However, the fact that their friendship was "never the same" highlights the lasting impact of the events that had transpired. The trust and closeness they had once shared had been irrevocably altered. The reconciliation may have been an attempt to salvage some semblance of their former friendship, but it could not fully erase the hurt and disappointment that had occurred.

In the context of the broader question of "did Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson remain friends," the eventual reconciliation is a significant factor. It demonstrates that despite the challenges they faced, they were able to find a way to reconnect, however different their friendship may have become. This reconciliation suggests that their bond transcended the legal proceedings, the public scrutiny, and the personal turmoil they had both experienced.

Complex relationship

The complex relationship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson defies easy categorization. Their friendship was tested by the sensational murder trial, public scrutiny, and personal turmoil. The question of whether they remained friends is a matter of perspective and interpretation.

The depth of their bond was evident in Kardashian's unwavering support during Simpson's trial. Despite overwhelming evidence against his client, Kardashian fiercely defended Simpson's innocence. This unwavering loyalty suggests a deep level of trust and friendship.

However, the relationship was strained in the years following the trial. Kardashian reportedly expressed doubts about Simpson's innocence, and they had a falling out in 1996. This suggests that their friendship was not immune to the fallout from the trial and the subsequent events.

Despite the rift, they eventually reconciled. While their friendship may not have been the same as before, it endured in some form. This reconciliation implies that their bond was stronger than the challenges they faced.

The complexities of their relationship reflect the nuances of human connections. Friendships can endure through adversity, but they can also be irrevocably altered. The case of Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson serves as a poignant reminder that friendship is a multifaceted and ever-evolving dynamic.

FAQs on Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson's Friendship

Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson's friendship was a subject of intense public scrutiny during and after Simpson's murder trial. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about their relationship:

Question 1: Were Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson close friends?

Yes, Kardashian and Simpson were close friends for many years. Kardashian was a member of Simpson's so-called "Dream Team" of defense attorneys during his 1995 murder trial.

Question 2: Did their friendship survive the trial?

Their friendship was strained in the years following the trial, and they had a falling out in 1996. Kardashian reportedly told friends that he no longer believed Simpson was innocent of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

Question 3: Did Kardashian ever publicly doubt Simpson's innocence?

Although Kardashian maintained that he believed Simpson was innocent during the trial, he reportedly expressed doubts to friends in the years that followed. These doubts may have contributed to the strain in their friendship.

Question 4: Did Kardashian and Simpson ever reconcile?

Yes, Kardashian and Simpson eventually reconciled, but their friendship was never quite the same. The reconciliation suggests that despite the challenges they faced, they still valued their bond.

Question 5: What factors contributed to the strain in their friendship?

Several factors contributed to the strain in their friendship, including Kardashian's doubts about Simpson's innocence, Simpson's behavior after the trial, and the intense public scrutiny surrounding their relationship.

Question 6: How would you characterize their relationship overall?

The relationship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson was complex and multifaceted. Despite the challenges they faced, their friendship endured in some form. It is a reminder that even the closest friendships can be tested by adversity.

Summary: The friendship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson was a complex and ever-evolving one. Despite the challenges they faced, their bond endured in some form, highlighting the resilience and complexities of human relationships.

Transition: To delve deeper into the dynamics of their friendship, let's explore some key aspects of their relationship.


The friendship between Robert Kardashian and O.J. Simpson was a complex and enduring one. Despite the challenges they faced, including a sensational murder trial, public scrutiny, and personal turmoil, their bond persisted in some form. Their relationship highlights the resilience and complexities of human connections.

The question of whether or not they remained friends is a matter of perspective and interpretation. While their friendship was undoubtedly strained in the years following the trial, they eventually reconciled. This reconciliation suggests that their bond was stronger than the challenges they faced. However, it is clear that their friendship was never quite the same as it had been before.

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